Fresh, sweet figs and salty Italian prosciutto make the perfect flavor combination in this summer risotto. Pecorino cheese adds a nutty, creamy addition...
This risotto dish is best suited for the end of summer when the tomatoes and corn are at their best. Using milk in the risotto dish gives it a lovely richness...
This delicious combination of creamy Arborio rice and tasty butternut squash makes a great meatless main dish, or a side dish for your favorite protein....
Porcini are the most flavorful mushrooms you can find. This risotto recipe explains how to make the risotto the traditional way, as well as in a pressure...
Saffron risotto (Risotto alla Milanese) is probably one of the most famous risotto recipe. Creamy and tasty, saffron risotto is made with rice, saffron,...
This low-fat, oil-free vegan risotto is a super creamy and comforting Italian meal! Just using one pan for everything, you cannot mess up that dish. Decorate...
This recipe is a bit labor-intensive, but so worth it for a really special meal or to satisfy that craving for savory fall fare. This creamy pumpkin risotto...
Asian ingredients combine with a classical risotto method to create a unique and unusual but extremely delicious entree. I just won a cooking contest with...
This unusual Italian rice dish can be served as a low fat main course with salad or as a satisfying side dish. It is also good served cold, and packs well...
Fresh butternut squash and classic Italian "aromi" join up for traditional risotto flavor made easy in your Instant Pot®. This will save a bit of time...
Sunchokes, also called Jerusalem artichokes or topinambur, are super healthy, delicious, and versatile. This risotto accents their earthy flavor and mixes...
Leek Risotto is a very simple-to-make Italian recipe, light and nutritious. The leeks, browned in butter, are extremely fragrant and give the risotto a...
A savory pumpkin side dish to accompany any meal, lunch or dinner. Use the small pie pumpkins for ultimate flavor and texture. Save those seeds to roast...
Authentic Italian-style risotto cooked the slow and painful way, but oh so worth it. Complements grilled meats and chicken dishes very well. Check the...
A friend came to visit me in Brazil, and we both had this dish in a restaurant. It was delicious and I tried to recreate a similar recipe at home. The...
I never complain about making risotto. In fact, I make it when I want to get something quick on the table. But when I spent over an hour and a half making...
I can't stress enough how much better this is if it is stirred constantly. If one arm gets tired, switch arms. Taste the rice for doneness before serving....
Creamy risotto made with fresh cranberry beans comes from the Lombardy region of Italy. With traditional flavors from the region, this risotto is bursting...
Known in Italian as 'Risotto con Zucca i Fagioli.' Steamed butternut squash folded into a creamy white bean risotto is the perfect flavorful dish for a...
Fine dining does not have to be complicated and with this creamy risotto you will see why. This is an amazing dish that will have your guests or family...
Strawberry risotto is an unusual risotto recipe. Fresh and colorful, this recipe is very easy-to-make. Given its particularity and its note of color, rice...
"Risi e Bisi" simply means Rice and Peas in Venetian dialect. It's a main dish typical of the Venetian cuisine, especially of the cities of Venice and...
My husband and I love risotto, but also prefer to eat healthily, so we came up with this compromise between the two. We use homemade stock to keep the...
This delicious risotto is so quick and easy, you'll never go back to making risotto by standing at the stove stirring and stirring again! You can make...
Rainy day, and my second attempt at risotto is a delectable success to my surprise. Little bit of Irish, little bit of the Mediterranean, and a little...
A delicious concoction of prawns and pine nuts with a hint of chile pepper. The addition of carrots give a little added crunch and color. If you take your...
I haven't seen any recipes with bell peppers in it, so I decided to try this on my own. Had a 6-person dinner party that I served with some bone-in pork...
Risotto can stand in for potatoes or noodles as side-dish and is microwave reheatable. Great accompaniment with spring asparagus. The herbs and spices...
All the deliciousness of a jalapeno popper in a risotto made with Greek yogurt to keep it wholesome and creamy. Toasting the rice without oil gives it...
Risotto isn't hard to prepare, but it can be time-consuming. Save the effort for another day with this creamy, quick-cook version that pairs packaged risotto...
This twist on risotto uses quinoa instead of rice for a slightly healthier spin on the comforting classic. It's a great midweek family meal - everyone...